Though, AVG has been established in 1919 it could be registered only in 1952. This big gap of our 35 years speak volumes of our previous generation leaders, how they could have managed all those years. Sri Ambadas Mukhedkar founder of AVG started this August Institution and offered accommodation to the derserving poor students of all over Andhra pradesh.
Entire Aministration of AVG is being done by the AVGians. From Cooking to Cleaning, from Purchasing to Accounting etc., AVGians are the Administrators, Wardens, Caretakers and Cooks.
The Management Board is consisting academicians, philanthropists and kind hearted personalities. They only guide and monitor the affairs of AVG. In no way committee members deal with or linked with financial matters.
AVG is being run purely on the Subscriptions given every month 3000 odd subscribers ranging from Rs.5/- to Rs.1,000/-. No any Govt. either central or stateis providing financial assistance to AVG.
AVG is totally different to many other voluntary Organizations. Especially in financial matters. Every Rupee comes to AVG will go to the hands of AVGians only. All the financial transactions done by them only.
We are grateful to all the esteemed colleges and institutions for providing free admission to our inmates in courses of their choice. Some of the colleges and institutions offering free Education to the students of AVG.
We are providing Lodging, Boarding, Buspass, Medication, Education & all the needs to our inmates. Free Education is being provided by several Colleges / Institutions.
With paucity of manpower, finance to organise the home, our Previous Office bearers must have made many struggles and sacrifices. Marching ahead amidst all odds, but with commitment, our AVG, Registered its goodwill and honest efforts to run the AVG with more humane approach and transparent administration, by implementing all the constructive suggestions. Since DECADES, our AVG with all its humility and pride has been acknowledged as the only Organisation, in A.P. which is striving to rehabilitate the poor, deserving and orphan students after 10th class who have the burning desire to pursue their higher studies. So long they want and so long they are eligible as per the rules of AVG.